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EVAL (Javascript)

EVAL allows you to test for value and time ranges in your macro - and anything else that can be done with Javascript, such as generating a random number or formating text strings.

EVAL is ideal for powerful web testing (keyword assertion) and web performance monitoring with iMacros, as well as advanced web automation and web scraping projects. EVAL takes standard Javascript as input.

The demo macro will do 3 things now:

  1. Wait for a random time between one and five seconds.
  2. The macro will report an error if the time displayed here deviates more than 20h from your local system time.

    iMacros Server Time: 7/27/2024 3:57:33 AM

  3. The macro will report an error if the value in the box below is not between 99 and 101.
    You can edit the value and run just the line with eval command again via the iMacros Editor.